
Scaffolding Collapse

SafeWork is investigating a Scaffolding Collapse at the building site incident which left two men injured at Marsden Park on Saturday, April 24.

A 53-year-old man is still recovering from his injuries in Westmead Hospital. His condition was described as stable today.

Emergency services were called to Gecko St, Marsden Park at around 9am on Saturday after calls that a man was trapped following the scaffolding collapse at a two-storey home he was working on.

The 53-year-old man fell three metres and was crushed by bricks, sustaining injuries to his shoulder and lower limbs.

Firman At Scafoolding Collapse Scaffolding CollapseA second man who was caught in the building collapse, self-extricated himself with minor injuries.

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews found a significant structural collapse on a building site when they arrived with one male injured and one other still trapped under the rubble.

Rescue crews worked with NSW Ambulance, police, the site doctor and medical staff to ascertain the safest extrication plan and took 30 minutes to remove the patient.

CareFlight’s Rapid Response Helicopter landed in a Marsden Park clearing close to the scene of the incident.

CareFlight’s specialist doctor and NSW Ambulance critical care paramedic performed a clinical assessment on the patient.

They conducted an ultrasound to assess his injuries and administered pain relief while taking spinal precautions.

The man was taken by road with NSW Ambulance to Westmead Hospital in a stable condition under ongoing observation from CareFlight’s clinical team. His condition is stable.

Photo of the scene from CareFlight and FRNSW


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