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Vietnam Veterans Day

Today (August 18th) is Vietnam Veterans Day, marking 50 years since Australia’s withdrawal from Vietnam.

The date was originally to acknowledge the Battle of Long Tan which occurred in 1966 and resulted in 18 Australian deaths and 24 wounded after 3 hours of fierce fighting before the withdrawal of the Viet Cong.

Minister for Veterans David Harris was at the Cenotaph alongside RSL NSW President and Vietnam veteran Ray James OAM, to pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our veterans of one of Australia’s longest military engagements of the 20th century.

“This year, 50 years on from the withdrawal of Australian troops, we pay special tribute to all who served in Vietnam to keep us safe,” Mr Harris said.

“Sadly, 523 lost their lives and almost 2400 were wounded, with all involved carrying the scars and memories that only armed combat can bring. We will never forget your service and sacrifice.”

RSL NSW President Ray James OAM said commemorating significant moments in our military history is vital to Australia, as people, a community, and a nation.

Castle Hill RSL sub-branch honoured veterans with a special lunch on Sunday.

Life membership of the RSL was presented to Cheryl Hill, David Hand and Mike Yeo for their contribution to the sub-branch over many years by Ray James.

The sub-branch presented specially made quilts to Ray James, Malcolm Botfield, Phill Evenden and Paul Harris-Walker.

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