

A free information forum supporting seniors make informed choices

On Tuesday 6 June independent homecare specialist Care Connect is hosting a free forum for seniors wanting to stay living at home. This forum has been developed to help people understand the aged care system and how to access the support they need.

Over the years, Care Connect have found the biggest barrier that stops people accessing support is wading through the sheer amount of information out there. It can be daunting and some people either give up or don’t access the full range of services they are entitled to.

This forum has been designed to make it easy for people to understand government funding (different levels, eligibility and how to access it), identify common financial traps and choose the right provider to meet their needs. In particular, we’ll be focusing on the new world of Home Care Packages.

When people have the right information at the right time (ahead of a crisis) they make good decisions and are more likely to continue living at home.

Date/time: Tuesday 6 June, 10.30am-12.00pm
Venue: Hills Lodge Hotel and Spa The Estate Room, Ground Floor, 1 Salisbury Rd, Castle Hill Cost: FREE (bookings essential)
Bookings: www.careconnect. org.au or phone 1800 MYCHOICE (Free call 1800 692 464)

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