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Hills Garden Competition

Hills Garden Competition
Champion of Champions Garden of Dale and Chris Brown shown with Rotarian John van den Burg.

If you have a garden others admire or you know of a beautiful garden you would like to nominate there is still time to register for the The Sydney Hills Garden Competition.

Hills residents, businesses and institutions are encouraged to register their gardens by 5pm on Friday 8th September.

There are various categories from small Town Houses and residential gardens, to gardens at industrial, commercial and retirement complexes. Young gardeners are encouraged too in the Schools category. New categories this year include ‘Small Lot Gardens’ and for ‘Environmentally Friendly Gardens.’

The Hills Garden Competition is the forerunner of the annual Orange Blossom Festival and first was held in 1959. The competition was the brainchild of Shire Councillor Eric Mobbs who saw it expand and grow into the Orange Blossom Festival.

The Garden Competition has been run by The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville for more than 15 years.

Club President, Ian Pascoe said: “There are so many beautiful gardens since the weather challenges of the last few years. We’re so lucky to have so many garden-proud residents who are able to enjoy their surrounds in the Hills district. More than ever, this is a time to celebrate the fine gardens of the area this spring.”

There are nine main categories, including a seniors category and a schools category. Last year there were 78 entries overall. It is hoped to beat that number this year with more schools encouraged to enter their gardens.

Kellyville Public was last year’s winner. Gardens are judged by professional and experienced horticulturists and landscapers. In the past judges have included local gardening gurus Judy Horton, Ross Miller, the late Bruce Pike as well as Horticulturalist Lucia Fowler.

Judging will take place between 11th and 15 th September culminating in an Awards Night on 22nd September where award winning gardens and their gardeners will be honored and receive prizes.

The garden competition is open to gardens located in the Hills Shire and adjoining parts of the suburbs of North Rocks, Carlingford, Northmead, Winston Hills, Baulkham Hills, West Pennant Hills, Cherrybrook, Glenhaven, Dural, Arcadia, Galston and Glenorie.

For more information about entering or sponsorship opportunities visit www.hillsrotary. , your local garden centre or Keith Stapley on 0412 079 014.

Entry forms are available at www. or Council’s website. The Club proudly opened a Community Garden in March 2021 to mark the 100 th year of Rotary in Australia.

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