Dob in Dumpers
Residents with any information or video footage on illegal dumping to report it directly to the Western Sydney Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Squad.
The request from Hills Shire Council comes after seven tonnes of dirt was illegally deposited on a property in Aquarius Way, Box Hill. Unbeknown to the Council staff who began removing the dirt, a pad-mounted electricity transformer laid beneath the pile and was concealed by the dumped material.
Hills Shire Council General Manager, Michael Edgar said Council staff were very lucky not to be injured, or worse – killed in the waste retrieval.
“To illegally deposit, let alone cover a transformer completely with soil is absolutely unacceptable. It’s a disgrace,” Mr Edgar said.
“Ultimately our ratepayers have been left with this clean-up bill and these illegal dumpers have got off scotfree. It is a disgrace that such illegal dumping is seen by many as acceptable and as a way to profit at ratepayers expense. Cleaning it up is a misuse of Council time and services,” he said.
Depositing waste is illegal and can come with harsh fines if the perpetrators can be identified.
Council’s procedure on illegal depositing includes referring the complaint to RID for further investigation.
The RID Squad specialises in dealing with illegal depositing and illegal landfilling. If a complaint has been referred to the RID Squad by Council, the Squad then attempts to track down and take action against offenders, such as the issuing of fines and arranging with the offenders to remove the illegally deposited waste.
If they can’t find the perpetrators, Council staff will then remove it and it’s ultimately the ratepayer who covers the cost.
Residents can report illegal dumping via the RID Squad webpage,
The Western Sydney RID Squad is a joint project between the NSW Environment Protection Authority and local Councils, funded in part by the waste levy.