Chemical Cleanout
To help flood affected community members, free Flood Recovery – Chemical CleanOut events will be held in June. The events are intended to support flood affected community members of the Hawkesbury, The Hills, Hornsby and the Central Coast.
The events will be run by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (NSW EPA) in conjunction with Hawkesbury City Council and The Hills Shire Council. Hawkesbury City Council and the NSW EPA have nominated Pitt Town, Wisemans Ferry and Wilberforce as the three locations for the Flood Recovery – Chemical CleanOut events. The events will be held on:
- Tuesday, June 1
8am to 11am, Pitt Town & District Sports Club
2pm to 4pm, Wisemans Ferry Carpark, Off Northern Rd - Wednesday, June 2
8am to 1pm, Woodlands Oval, Wilberforce.
At the Chemical CleanOut events, flood affected community members will be able to safely dispose of any potentially hazardous household chemicals. These include household cleaners and solvents, batteries, fluorescent globes and tubes; paint and paint related products, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, pool chemicals, hobby chemicals, acids and alkalis, car batteries, motor oils, fuelsand fluids.
Only items up to a maximum size of 20 litres or 20 kilograms can be dropped off. Further information is available at or call the NSW EPA on 131 555.
Primary producers and small businesses that have been impacted by the flood and now need to safely dispose of chemicals and hazardous waste should contact Council’s Waste Education Officer on 4560 4566 to determine if Hawkesbury City Council can accommodate your needs or if another disposal option would be more suitable.
An annual Chemical CleanOut event will also be held for all Hawkesbury residents on Sunday, August 8 from 9am to 3:30pm at Hawkesbury Showground, Clarendon.