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Veterans Remembered

Just over a year ago, CHRG (Castle Hill RSL Group) launched a new Veteran Service Member card for current and retired service people who are club members.

The VSM card entitles holders to special group promotions over four clubs – Castle Hill RSL Club, Castle Hill Bowling Club, Club Parramatta and Lynwood Country Club.

It also highlights to the staff members that cardholders have served their country and is a way for CHRG to acknowledge and respect their service.

At the time David O’Neil, Group CEO said “This card will not only immediately identify our Veteran Service Members who have served for their country, but it will also provide an array of member benefits and access to promotions and events across our Group.”

Veteran Service Remembered

Throughout the year, Veteran Service Member cardholders have been treated to a range of discount and offerings such as complimentary aqua aerobics classes, food and beverage vouchers, free use of the new golf simulator at Lynwood Golf and Country Club, social darts and a morning tea catch up, discounted tickets to shows, free bowls lessons and much more.

CHRG’s Veteran Service member card has further cemented the Group’s commitment to Veteran welfare and support by providing eligible members with a sense of connectivity, community and belonging.

VSM holder Chris Kirk said: “I like the Veteran Service Member Card because it gives me a sense of being thought of. When you serve in the armed forces you don’t do it for the accolades or to be treated any differently, but it does feel good to be recognised for our service and sacrifice.”

Ann O’Connor said she finds the special promotions very good. “It also shows respect for the people who have served their country (and) helps to highlight the difference between the Club and the Castle Hill & District RSL sub-Branch.

Paul Harris – Walker said regular emails advise members about promotions and the wide variety of club activities to VSM holders. “Most importantly, the scheme provides the opportunity for like minded members with similar outlooks to engage in camaraderie.”

For more information about a VSM card email [email protected] or call reception at: Castle Hill RSL Club: 02 8858 4800, Club Parramatta: 02 8865 5100 or Lynwood Country Club: 02 4580 2800

On Australia Day Castle Hill RSL Sub-branch members will be planting Australian flags next to the memorials of Australian and Allied veterans.

H2H Jan School Holidays Half Page Hr 1 Veterans Remembered

The flag planting, held in conjunction with Castlebrook Memorial Garden Rouse Hill, began in 2009 with 600 flags. Since then it has grown with family, friends and members of the public joining sub-Branch members to plant nearly 1,000 flags.

Flag planting will be held at Castle Hill Cemetery in Gilbert Road, between 6am and 6.45am on Friday January 26th. It will be followed by the service at Castlebrook Memorial Park, Windsor Road at 7am which includes flag raising.

It will be supported by Squadron 336 Air Cadets Catafalque party, with music provided by North Ryde RSL Pipe band. Castle Hill & District RSL sub-Branch President, Cheryl Hill will give the address before volunteers move off in teams to plant flags. The Castlebrook Memorial Gardens will host a breakfast BBQ to conclude the event

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