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Write a Will for FREE and Help Sick Kids

Monday 4 September marks the beginning of Include a Charity Week 2023, a social change campaign that aims to raise awareness of the importance of having a Will and encourages more people to include a charitable gift in their Will.

At Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation (SCHF), we know that including a charity in your Will is a very personal decision. It is an important and lasting declaration of your values and beliefs that you and your loved ones can be proud of for a long time to come.

Small but mighty Abigail and her family have experienced the wonders made possible by generous SCHF supporters. By her first birthday, Abigail had received care from many of the expert clinical teams across Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network.

This included an emergency transfer to Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick (SCH) via Newborn Emergency and Paediatric Transport Service (NETS), many weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and the discovery of a rare, potentially life threatening, genetic condition Hypopituitarism.

Abigail’s parents Adrienne and Aaron say they are forever grateful to the extraordinary clinicians who cared for Abigail in those critical moments. It is thanks to the generosity of SCHF supporters that we were able to fund two senior positions in the Gene Therapy Research Unit at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network to help transform the lives of children with rare genetic conditions, like Abigail.

It may surprise you to learn that over 50% of Australians do not have a Will. Without one, their assets will be divided according to a legal formula that may not reflect their true wishes. ‘Leaving a gift in your Will is a big decision, but what better gift, what better legacy to leave, than the gift of life’.

Anne McFadden, Head of Planned Giving, SCHF. By leaving a gift in your Will to SCHF, even as little as 1%, can help elevate great healthcare, to extraordinary healthcare.

SCHF has partnered with Safewill, Australia’s highest rated Will writing platform. Safewill makes it quick, easy, and affordable to write your Will online. You will be able to write a Will in as little as 20 minutes, and have it reviewed by Safewill’s legal team to ensure it has been filled out correctly.

From 4-10 September as part of Include a Charity Week 2023, SCHF is pleased to offer the opportunity to write a Will for FREE.

To learn more, scan the QR code above, contact us on 1800 770 122, [email protected] or visit

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