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What you Need to Know about Making a Will

When you think about your future, you may think about how you want to be remembered. Perhaps it’s as caring, kind, or inspirational. Whatever your values, they deserve to live on. will

Did you know that close to 50 percent of Australians over the age of 18 do not have a valid Will?

It is often the case that people do not think about making a Will until much later in life, or they do not believe they have enough assets to warrant having a Will. However, it is never too early or too late to get your affairs in order.

Having a Will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Not only can a Will protect your spouse, children, and assets, it ensures that your possessions go to the people you want them to, such as your family and friends.

If you do not have a executor, this is known as intestate, and your estate may be divided amongst relatives according to the government’s formula (“intestacy rules”), which may not reflect your wishes and can cause complications, delays and extra costs for your loved ones. If you don’t have relatives closer than a first cousin, your estate will go to the government.

A Will is a formal legal document that gives you the opportunity to:
• Provide for the people you care about
• Appoint a guardian for your children
• Leave particular items to certain people
• make a gift to your favourite charity
• appoint a person you trust to carry out the instructions in your executor
• leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes)

If you would like to further discuss anything about your executor or would like a copy of our Guide to making a Will, please contact the Planned Giving Team at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation on 1800 770 122 or email us at [email protected].

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leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes)

leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes) leave other instructions you may have (for example your funeral wishes)

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