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Shine Bright Equine Human Services – Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy

Shine Bright Equine Human Services is an equine assisted learning and therapy centre situated in picturesque Arcadia, just 35 minutes northwest of Sydney.

The centre is owned and operated by Anne-Katrin Liebe, a highly experienced and qualified International Equestrian Level 2 Coach and Sports Scientist.

Shine Bright Equine Human Services offers private and small group equine assisted learning Life skill programs. Shine Bright equine-assisted learning is about contact and closeness to the horse as a living being, as well as its care.

Physically superior to humans, horses let themselves be guided by humans when trust and respect are the basis of the relationship. Anne-Katrin believes that this partnership, however, is an intensive emotional and cognitive process that the participant must engage in.

Sessions with Anne-Katrin focus primarily on social, recreation and life skills and cover topics such as clear communication, healthy boundaries, leadership, emotional intelligence, spatial awareness and more. The intention of equine-assisted learning at Shine Bright is to help people gain confidence and skills that can have an impact on the participants everyday life.

In addition to equine assisted learning, Anne-Katrin is offering equine assisted therapy for people with various needs such as Down Syndrom, Autism, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, anxiety and depression and others. Shine Bright strives to help people overcome challenges who often find it difficult to consciously perceive their own bodies. In sessions, the horse approaches the person without judgment, triggers actions and reactions and is a motivator.

Horses listen silently, live in the “here and now” and perceive the most subtle moods, inner conflicts and unconscious desires in our body language. In this way people can release themselves from old limitations and find their natural flow. Shine Bright equine assisted therapy aims to help people regain their self-assurance, strengthen their self-confidence, and overcome fears, while improving their psychological well-being and achieving increased relaxation and mindfulness.

For more information please visit or contact Anne-Katrin on 0422 279 657 (mob) for further information or to book equine assisted learning and therapy sessions.

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