
New Mayoral Christmas Appeal Drop Off Point

Hawkesbury City Council are excited to announce a new drop off point for the Mayoral Christmas Appeal – Richmond Marketplace!
The community is encouraged to give generously to local families in need by gifting Christmas presents to be distributed by  Richmond Lions Club.
Gifts must be unwrapped and can be dropped off from now until 16 December 2022 at:
? Richmond Marketplace (outside Lowes)
? Hawkesbury City Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor
? Hawkesbury Central Library, 300 George Street, Windsor
? Richmond Branch Library at 29 West Market Street.
Gift ideas may include board games, card games, outdoor games, sport equipment, tool kits or gift vouchers from local shops that offer items such as books, clothes, ice cream, stationery, or sporting goods.

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