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New Hope for Endometriosis Sufferers

New Hope for Endometriosis Sufferers

There is good news for endometriosis suffers in the Hawkesbury with the opening of a new Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Clinic at Rouse Hill Town Medical and Dental Centre.

“Endo” is something that many women suffer but finding the right help can take years. Research tells us that approximately 1 in 2 Australian women experience pelvic pain and sadly half of those women won’t discuss their symptoms with a doctor.

It typically takes an average of seven years for an individual to get an endometriosis diagnosis, and we want to change that.

The new clinic is part of an Australia-first rollout to give women access to specialised multidisciplinary care to help diagnose and treat endometriosis and pelvic pain. The Albanese Government have established twenty two of these Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Clinics, with the latest for western Sydney women.

It’s part of the federal government’s National Action Plan for Endometriosis, and backed by research that shows us the toll endometriosis has on sufferers.

Ask any woman who suffers with pelvic pain and they will tell you what an impact it has on their lives. It affects their ability to work, study or care for their families. We want women to feel confident that they can go to one of these clinics and get the care they desperately need.

The clinic at Rouse Hill is an important addition to the two other Sydney-based clinics in Hunters Hill and Leichhardt.

Bringing together these specialised services under one roof helps remove the barriers for women seeking treatments, it also helps build professional knowledge and skills so that the standard of care for women can continue to improve.

I encourage anyone not satisfied with the treatment they’re receiving for pelvic pain to make an appointment directly with the clinic. The pain is real and I’m proud that the government has taken real action so women don’t have to suffer in silence.

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