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Hiking Safe in the Christmas Break

Planning to go out for a bushwalk Hiking / Trek over the Christmas break?

Now is a great time to remind us of this easy-to-remember acronym to help us have good experiences in the Aussie bush, with great memories and to avoid emergencies.

Every year around 130 bushwalkers get lost or need rescuing in Blue Mountains National Park. Most people are found within 24 hours, but occasionally a weekend adventure can turn to tragedy.

What to take with you?
  • Plenty of food and snacks
  • At least 2L of water per person
  • Matches and a torch
  • First aid kit
  • Insect repellent
  • Waterproof and windproof clothing to keep you warm
  • Hat and sunscreen
  • Topographic map and compass

Download the Emergency Plus app

Fill in an online trip intention form to tell your family or friends where you’re going, when you expect to return and who is with you.

If you’re going to any other national park in NSW, it’s a good idea to buy or hire your own Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) and bring it with you in case of emergency.


Hike Hiking Safe In The Christmas Break

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