AllHawkesbury City Council

Select Hawkesbury Facilities Now Accept NSW Companion Card

NSW Companion Card

NSW Companion Card can now be used by card users in various Hawkesbury establishments, the Hawkesbury City Council (HCC) announced in a media release on the 1st of June 2023.

The NSW Companion Card permits its users to gain free access to select and participating “venues and events.” As per the New South Wales government (NSW), the program “is for people with significant and permanent disability who need a high level of care in the community.”

On the other hand, the HCC stated that “it aims to promote a person’s right to fair ticketing and to make community access and participation more affordable.”

According to its media piece, the NSW Companion Card stickers can be seen in Hawkesbury facilities such as:

  • Hawkesbury Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre
  • Richmond Swimming Centre
  • Hawkesbury Regional Gallery
  • Hawkesbury Regional Museum
  • Richmond Branch Library
  • Hawkesbury Central Library

The HCC also advocates Hawkesbury businesses and facilities to be affiliated with the Hawkesbury Companion Card.

  • “you want to help people with disabilities be active members of your community”
  • “you’re committed to social inclusion and community access for all people”
  • “you’re committed to corporate citizenship and take your social responsibilities seriously.”
  • “helps you meet certain obligations under anti-discrimination legislation”
  • “provides connection to an extensive and often untapped market — people with disability”
  • “helps you identify customers who may need significant help from a carer to participate in activities and to visit venues.”

Image credit to the Hawkesbury City Council.

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