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Have Your Say on Flood Insurance

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As our minds turn to bushfires and being prepared for what looks to be a hot, dry spring and summer, it might seem an odd time to writing about the 2022 floods.

But there is a lot to be learned from floods the Hawkesbury experienced, especially when it comes to improving affordability and availability of insurance. It’s clear the current insurance arrangements have not served everyone well and a new government inquiry needs to hear from people who flooded, about their insurance experience.

I have been appointed to the Standing Economics Committee, along with the Member for Calare, Andrew Gee and Queensland MP Shayne Neumann, for the inquiry, and we want to make sure our communities voices are heard.

That’s why I’m urging Hawkesbury residents to share their flood insurance story – even if you weren’t insured.

There are two ways to take part: you can take a survey or make your own individual submission to tell your story in more detail – even if it occurred in one of the earlier flood events.

The inquiry is looking at this issue from all angles and your contribution will help guide the questions we ask insurers and other stakeholders, and ultimately help shape the inquiry’s recommendations to the Albanese Government.

Whatever your experience was, good, bad, easy or frustrating, or if you weren’t insured at all, we want to hear about it so we can make the system work better for our communities.

I really encourage everyone to share your insights with the Committee so we can get the specific examples of the issues people have faced when dealing with insurance companies before and after floods.

To complete the survey or make a submission head to Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/ Economics/FloodInsuranceInquiry Or simply google “Flood insurance inquiry”.

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