AllCommunity NewsHills Shire Council

Have Your Say on Alcohol-Free Zones

Have Your Say on Alcohol-Free Zones

The Hills Shire Council currently has four Alcohol-Free Zones located on the road reserves at the following locations:
● Castle Hill Main Street, Pennant Street and CBD areas.
● Glanmire Road, Baulkham Hills.
● Baulkham Hills Town Centre, 19, 21-25 & 27 Yattenden Crescent, Baulkham Hills.
● Caroline Chisholm Drive, Winston Hills.

Under the Local Government Act, Council is required to investigate whether the zones are required for a further four-year period.

It is proposed to install a new Alcohol-Free Zone in Rouse Hill in a section of Mile End Road, Windsor Road and Commercial Road and in Resolution Place. It is also proposed to extend the existing Alcohol- Free Zone in Castle Hill to include Terminus Street, a section of Cecil Avenue, Cheriton Avenue and an additional section of Showground Road.

Alcohol-Free Zones location

The location of these Alcohol-Free Zones is on display at the Council Chambers at 3 Columbia Court, Norwest during business hours 8:30am to 4:30pm or can be viewed on Council’s website by searching ‘Alcohol Free Zone’.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Council’s Road Safety Officer Angela Vernicos on Ph: 9843 0145.

Written submissions are invited from interested persons or groups in relation to the removal, retention or installation of these Alcohol-Free Zones, and should be forwarded to Council by 13 June 2023. Submissions should be emailed to council@thehills. or addressed to:

General Manager,
The Hills Shire Council
Attn: Angela Vernicos, Road Safety Officer
PO Box 7064 NORWEST NSW 2153

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