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Finals Concert of The Hills Young Musicians

Supported by the Hills Shire Council and the Baulkham Hills High School, the Sydney Hills Youth Orchestra proudly hosts The Hills Young Musicians Contest 2023.

The Contest is designed to foster the development of young local musicians by exposing a healthy competitive environment and allowing learning the general etiquette in music competitions and receiving constructive comments from professional musicians judges. It will encourage young musicians’ initiative of learning, practice, and participate in music activities and enhance capabilities in school bands or youth orchestras performances.

The contest is divided into three age groups: A: 11 years of age and under, B: 12 to 14 years of age, C: 15 to 18 years of age

The Contest is in three stages: Stage 1: Submit a video recording of your performance (A solo piece for any of the following orchestral instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion instruments, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass, with or without piano accompaniment) with

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