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Paper Scissors Rock: Curators Talk with Diana Robson

Paper Scissors Talk Curators Talk
© image from the hawkesbury regional gallery

With only a few weeks remaining before the exhibition ends, make time for a Curators Talk on the Hawkesbury Regional Gallery’s current exhibition, ‘Paper Scissors Rock’, on Wednesday, 21 February 2024.

Participate in a talk hosted by Gallery Curator Diana Robson about the exhibition from 11:00 AM to noon. Attendees can gain insights “on contemporary use of ‘paper’, through diverse media including sculpture and installation, video, drawing, painting, collage, photography, and jewellery.”

The ‘Paper Scissors Rock’ exhibition was launched in early December last year. It covers paper and its contemporary use in many art mediums such as collage, drawing, installation, jewellery, painting, photography, video, and sculpture.

“Paper as a material is at its simplest ordinary, unpretentious; it is functional and efficient. And despite our existence in the ‘digital age’, paper remains a persistent part of our day.”

The Golden Gaze Of Winged Things
The golden gaze of winged things by deborah kelly; collage, watercolour and metallic pigments on handmade cotton paper 28 x 19cm. Courtesy of the artist and wagner contemporary, sydney.

The following artists who are part of the Paper Scissors Rock exhibition are Jumaadi, Tony Albert, Peter Burke, Tracey Clement, Anna Davern, Todd Fuller, Deborah Kelly, Jaki Middleton and David Lawrey, Mylyn Nguyen, Niomi Sands, Louise Paramor, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Jemima Wyman, Zoe Veness, and Tianli Zu.

Tickets are free. Interested attendees can make their bookings via Eventbrite: Curator’s Talk – Paper Scissors Rock. For difficulties in booking, call the Gallery on 4560 4441.

Paper Scissors Rock: Where The Lost Things Go By Niomi Sands
Where the lost things go, 2019, arches paper, cotton,
pins, dimensions variable. One of the many pieces in the hawkesbury regional gallery’s paper scissors rock exhibition © by niomi sands

The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery is on the first floor of the Deerubbin Centre, located at 300 George Street in Windsor, NSW 2756.

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