Community News

Community Made Artworks for Local Bushfire Recovery

Three beautiful public art pieces are being commissioned as a memorial to the 2019-2020 bushfires and to honour those who risked so much to keep the Hawkesbury community safe. artworks

Hawkesbury City Council will display the tiles on walls in Bilpin, Colo Heights and St Albans commemorating the 2019/2020 bushfires. The walls will be decorated with tiles designed by local community members.

The artworks, to be created in close partnership with community members of Bilpin, Colo Heights and the Macdonald Valley (St Albans), will be installed as part of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery projects that are currently underway.

Residents are being invited to special community events to design and paint an artwork, which will be transferred to a tile to be glazed, fired and installed on a special wall, the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Patrick Conolly said.

“This will be a powerful way for the community to take ownership of these artworks and make them a personal expression of their experiences of recovery and rejuvenation that will last for generations to view, understand and remember,” Mayor Conolly said.

Work is also underway on other projects in the Hawkesbury made possible through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund. $1.68 million is available to fund projects which will help to support the ongoing bushfire recovery in Bilpin, Colo Heights and the Macdonald Valley (including St Albans).

Community art workshops dates
Bilpin Community Hall (Bilpin Markets) Saturday, 12 February from 10am to midday
St Albans St Albans Park Sunday, 13 February from 9am to midday
Colo Heights Community Hall Thursday, 24 February from 4pm to 7pm

The new playground at St Alban’s is now finished, work has commenced on the playground in Bilpin, and work is due to start on the multi-sports court at Colo Heights in February. Council is also making improvements to the Rural Fire Service sheds and community halls in these locations, including the St Albans School of Arts, with the majority of work scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2022.

The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package is part of the $4.5 billion overarching bushfire support program co-funded by the Australian and NSW Governments for bushfire recovery, response and preparedness across NSW. Visit Council’s homepage www. and follow Council on Facebook at Hawkesbury city council for regular updates on these projects.

For more information, see Council’s Facebook page and Council’s website and Your Hawkesbury Your Say at

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