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Alice Robinson Reserve, Glenhaven, vandalised

Alice Robinson Reserve Vandalised
Tyre marks at the alice robinson reserve, glenhaven © councillor mitchell blue

Alice Robinson Reserve in Glenhaven joins the growing list of vandalised reserves in the Hills Shire, as car tracks were discovered on Monday afternoon, 17 June 2024.

An unknown individual reportedly drove onto the field, leaving noticeable tyre marks near the children’s playground and on the pathways.

The Hills Shire Council said on Tuesday that the act was a senseless attack and is the second reserve to be vandalised within the past four weeks.

In mid-May this year, vandals damaged the Bruce Fraser Field at the Holland Road Reserve, still in Glenhaven, wherein individuals allegedly cut the chain gate and drove on the field.

Alice Robinson Reserve Glenhaven Vandalised
The alice robinson reserve’s field and pathway with noticeable tyre marks © hills shire council

According to the Council, repairs are being done, and measures are being taken: “Council officers have been on site repairing the damage and attempting to re-level the ground. Grass seeds will be laid to help promote growth in the damaged areas.”

“This senseless act on one of our beloved facilities will stop children from playing sport, will stop residents from enjoying their park, and ultimately cost ratepayers with Council devoting resources to fix the field,” the Hills Shire Council said.

Residents who may have information or CCTV footage of the incident are urged to contact The Hills Police Area Command at (02) 9680 5399.

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