Community News

What is U3A?

U3A is University of the 3rd Age, a worldwide movement of seniors providing a range of courses, recreational activities and social activities in a friendly and informal environment.

There are no exams or qualifications offered, but there are plenty of opportunities for learning new things.

At U3A Hawkesbury, tutors volunteer to share their knowledge and skills acquired over their life. The course content is planned jointly with students in response to their interests.

If you have an idea for a new course, or you are interested in becoming a tutor, please contact the office on 4578 2333 during office hours, or leave a message.

Classes are run during the daytime at locations around the Hawkesbury area. Most courses run from February to November, and have one or two sessions per month. A few courses may run weekly or for shorter periods.

Hawkesbury U3A is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation that taps into the great reservoir of knowledge, skills and experience among older people. It provides opportunities for sharing these talents for the benefit of members.

• Membership Fees – $45 per person each calendar year and $70 per couple. Membership allows you to attend as many courses each year as you wish. Note that some courses will have limited numbers, so enrolment depends on available places.

• Fees may vary on an annual basis

For further details their website is or email [email protected] or visit U3A Hawkesbury: Rear of Hawkesbury Skills, 23 Bosworth Street, Richmond. 9:00am – 12:00pm Mondays; 9:30am – 12:00pm Wednesdays & Fridays


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