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Two Hawkesbury Town Centres’ upcoming ribbon-cutting events

Two Town Centres will be launched on the 26th of August, 2023, after receiving upgrades from the Hawkesbury City Council’s Liveability Program. 

Richmond and South Windsor Town Centres will have their respective ribbon-cutting event. The former will occur at 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM; the latter will begin at 12:30 PM until two in the afternoon.

Each site will have free cupcakes and coffee vouchers for the first 100 people, roving entertainment, and face painting.

Richmond Town Centre In Hawkesbury

The Richmond Town Centre in Hawkesbury


The Richmond Town Centre received 26 advanced tree plantings along Windsor Street, new feature paving, and street furniture. The pedestrian crossings between Bosworth Street and East Market also received upgrades.

Meanwhile, about 59 advanced trees on George Street (located between Campbell Street and Beerawan Park) and 40 advanced trees were planted on Mullinger Lane. It also received feature paving and street furniture upgrades, a pedestrian crossing upgrade (new surfacing, lighting, and signage) near Newtown Arcade, and a realigned with compliant accessible parking in Mullinger Lane.

The Hawkesbury City Council co-funded the $18.75 million project under the Western Parkland City Liveability programwhich is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD) and part of the Greening Our City grant program that is funded by the NSW Government in association with Local Government NSW. The WSCD is a 20-year partnership between the Australian and NSW Governments and the eight Councils of the Western Parkland City.

South Windsor Town Centre In Hawkesbury

South Windsor Town Centre in Hawkesbury


The two Town Centres are part of the three Centres planned to be revitalised. The final design was introduced to the public in 2022. Each of the Centres’ designs was intended to follow a specific theme.

Richmond was aimed to be a “vibrant cultural destination,” and South Windsor as an “updated community town centre” that accommodates the community’s needs and supports businesses. Meanwhile, like Richmond, Windsor aims to emphasise and enhance its cultural heritage as a magnet for tourists.  

The planting project for the three Centres is valued at $1.244 million. It is part of the Greening Our City program funded by the NSW Government in association with Local Government NSW. With over 300 planned trees, it aims to provide shade to pedestrians, lessen urban heat, and boost Hawkesbury’s biodiversity.

Earlier this year, the Windsor Town Centre project was put on hold “due to requests for changes in scope” during the Council’s meeting on the 18th of April 2023, according to the Council’s Project Status Update – June 2023. 

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