Titillating Tillandsia
The next Bromeliad Society of Australia meeting will be on the 8th July with plant sales from 10am and the meeting commencing at 12noon.
Our special guest speaker will be one of our younger talented members, Harold Kuan. Harold joined BSA three years ago after discovering his passion for the Tillandsia online. Finding that his Tillandsias needed a stand for showing purposes he set about making the wire stands required for display in Bromeliad competitions. With no previous training in metal work, he just figured out how to make them as he went along. Harold cuts mesh with bolt cutters and then bends it. For wood mounts he finds branches and large pieces on walks around his neighbourhood. He purchases the cork from an orchid supplier. Currently he estimates Tillandsias make up 80% of his collection, but he also likes Billbergias, Dykias, Neoregelias Aechmeas – really any bromeliad with colour, sculpture or unusual form.
Harold will give a hands-on demonstration during his presentation at the meeting on ‘how to mount Tillandsia’. There will also be our regular meeting activities such as competitions, raffle, Show & Tell, and a more recent activity called just “Show” for people who would just like to share a plant with others without it being critically judged.
The meetings are held in the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill. Guests are most welcome.
For further information please contact Ian Hook, President of BSA – mobile 0408 202 269, email: [email protected] or refer to www.bromeliad.org.au for the latest updates.