AllCommunity NewsLocal Events
The Hills UPmarket Back on June 2023
The Hills UPmarket will host a market event at the Castle Hill Showground, on the 25th of June 2023, Sunday. The event is estimated to house 60 food stalls.
In collaboration with Positive Vibes Foundation from Baulkham Hills, the event will run from 9:00 AM and will end at 2:00 PM. To join as an UPmarket Stallholder, an application form can be accessed on their website.
More market events are set on:
23 July, Sunday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
27 August, Sunday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Stalls at The Hills UPmarket
The Castle Hill Showground, or “The Terraces,” is located at Castle Hill Showground Rd Castle Hill NSW.
Image credit to Hills UPmarket and their website.