AllCommunity NewsKarlene Brummer

Swing Into Spring

By Karlene Brummer

With the proliferation of orchards and fruit trees in our area, Spring is certainly a beautiful time to be out and about, enjoying this magical but fleeting season.

Trees with fluffy, delicate florets of pink and white are starting to bloom, and some may have already begun to “leaf up’ by the time this edition hits the stands. The Prunus trees out the front of Glenorie Vets were spectacular this year, and I look forward to seeing Fagan Park in full glory, as well as the magenta blossoms on the nature strip of the Buddhist Temple in Galston Road.

Here are some joyful photos to get you in the Spring Mood!

Swing Into Spring
Bee on a blossom – mel hayes photography
Spring Article Sept 2023 1 Swing Into Spring
The japanese garden at fagan park – karlene brummer

Img 2720 Swing Into Spring

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