To commence this walk it is necessary to first drive to the northern end of Porter’s Road Kenthurst until a locked gate is reached. Adequate parking is generally available.
Public pedestrian access only is available beyond this point. By following the ridge line in a general northerly to north westerly direction, views are revealed across to the distant mountains as the fire trail passes the local gun club on the right.
Shortly the track makes a distinct turn to the left and commences to proceed down a gentle slope until there appears some interesting rocky outcrops on the adjacent hillside. From here the track becomes a little steeper as it winds its way down the escarpment to eventually reveal a large lagoon along the course of O’Hara’s Creek.
The environment in this valley is much wetter than higher up on the drier ridge. The result is a noticeable change in vegetation types growing here.
A track does continue upstream but soon ends. The return trip requires a great deal more energetic exertion to walk back to the car park. The altitude difference between the lagoon and the gun club is in the vicinity of 100m.
It is advisable to be well prepared by way of appropriate clothing and footwear as well as having a supply of water and a snack bar or two. As with all bushwalking “adventures”, it is suggested that a camera is a good idea as there will always be the opportunity to take a photo of something not seen before.
For further information on the Hills Shire Council Self Guided Bushwalks Program go to the Hills Shire Council Website and enter “bushwalks” into the search box, then select “Bushwalks in the Hills”.