Looking After Your Mate
Can you remember where you were when a friend, colleague or loved one first experienced a mental health incident in your presence and how did you manage it?
I must admit, prior to taking on the role of Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Shadow Minister for Veterans, I would have reacted differently.
Let’s face it, we all will experience a mental health crisis at some point in our life, but at least currently, we are not as quick to judge. I’d like to think we are more responsive, understanding and accepting of others who need our help.
Put yourself in the shoes of a Police Officer, a Rural Fire Service volunteer, SES personnel, a paramedic, a nurse or a doctor. These are all intense roles that bring with them enormous pressure, at times.
Have you learned to manage the experience from the Black Summer Bushfires or the floods that Hawkesbury encountered time and time again? We live in a vulnerable location which is as picturesque as it is punishing – that’s Hawkesbury!
So, preparing ourselves physically and emotionally for what lies ahead, can often help alleviate the stress and anxiety that will be thrust upon us and our mates. Look out for those you care about and look after yourself.