AllCommunity News

Tell Us What You Think and Go Into The Draw For A $100 Gift Card!

Hawkesbury Library Service is conducting a new Library Program survey to find out about residents’ views on its current program of events as well as offer suggestions for future ideas or improvements.

The survey is open until midnight on Sunday, 3 December and participants can choose to enter the draw for a $100 gift card.

The survey results will help to create a vision for a vibrant program of Library events and activities in the Hawkesbury in 2024, while also considering cost of living pressures.

The information you provide will be used to help shape and inform our services and programs for children, young adults and adults. We would like to encourage all members and non-members, to share their ideas and insights and to help us put together an exhilarating strategy for the future.

Survey respondents will be required to register with Council’s Your Hawkesbury Your Say to complete the survey, however the survey is anonymous, with no personal information collected, unless you wish to participate in the draw for a $100 gift card (Councillors, staff and their immediate families may complete the survey but are not eligible for the gift card).

If you haven’t registered previously, it is a quick and easy process. An email, username and password are all that is required and then you are ready to participate in the Library survey as well as comment on any of Council’s current community engagement projects whenever you wish to do so.

To complete the survey, go to Council’s community engagement website Your Hawkesbury Your Say at up until midnight on Sunday, 3 December 2023.

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