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June Long’s Legacy Continues

Those who knew her say that June Long was a one of a kind; an energetic woman who lived for others. She had a vision back in 1979 to create a community for the stay-at-home mums and retirees to come together each week, to learn craft and make friends.

The program was to have volunteers as its backbone and heart. It was overwhelmingly successful when it began, with more than 200 people signing up (the fees were $2 per term with free kindergarten and baby minding) filling every corner of the newly-constructed Castle Hill Seventh Day Adventist church.

2 Creative Activities June Long’s Legacy Continues

This was the birthplace of Creative Activities. 44 years on, the community has changed. More working mothers mean the majority of the participants are retirees. There are other similar programs and alternate means of learning craft, but Creative Activities continues. June sadly left us back in 2016 but continued to attend until she was 94. Her daughter, Carolyn now leads a very faithful band of volunteers and a contented group of attendees.

Despite Covid shutdowns in recent years, the program managed an almost full year of classes in 2022 and there’s plenty of room for more to join. As you can imagine, the fees have changed a little over the past 44 years Cost: $30 per 8 week term ($25 for seniors). Term 1 commences February 8 2023.

For further information, text 0416 077 291 or email [email protected]

1 June Long Centre With Her Team June Long’s Legacy Continues
The late june long (centre) with her team – aileen craigie, val baldwin in 1979

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