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Hawkesbury Library Service’s talks on National History Month

The Hawkesbury Library Service will host three workshops about history as part of National History Month starting 8 August 2023.

Top 10 Hints For Family History Hawkesbury Library ServiceOn 8 August, the Top 10 Hints for Family History session will cover tips on family history research. The session will be held via ZOOM and costs $5. It will begin at 6:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM. Reservations can be made online via Eventbrite here.


Hawkesbury Library Service Women Of The Early HawkesburyHistorian Jack Barkely Jack returns for a second Women of the Early Hawkesbury workshop, which will cover stories about women during the early days of settlement on 9 August. No book is required if attending in person. Meanwhile, there is an option to participate in the session via ZOOM. Registration for ZOOM is here. This session is free of charge. 

Trove Hawkesbury Library ServiceTreasures on Trove is a free workshop on 15 August that will guide learners on using Trove, a free research portal made in collaboration with the National Library of Australia and different organisations. The session will start at 10:30 AM and end at 11:30 AM. Slots can be booked online here.


The workshops are part of the Hawkesbury Library Service’s multiple history seminars and workshops, which includes past sessions such as Kickstart Your Family History in 2023, Occupations & Professions, and Tracing Ancestors: Connecting Cultures Workshop. 

Hawkesbury Family History Group also conducts history workshops such as the previous DNA – A Vital Family Record, Women of the Early Hawkesbury, and Captured: Portraits of Crime.  

Hawkesbury Central Library is located at 300 George Street Windsor, NSW 2753, Australia.

Image credit to Hawkesbury Library Service.

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