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Hazard Reduction Burn at Kurrajong East Public School


East Kurrajong Hazard Reduction burn 19 to 20 October 2024

A Hazard Reduction burn will commence in the vicinity of Kurrajong East Public School from Saturday, 19 to Sunday, 20 October 2024.

Firefighters from the NSW Rural Fire Service—Hawkesbury District will undertake a Hazard Reduction burn size of about 1.25 hectares.

According to the crews, smoke impact on Saturday will be minimal, and most of the burning will occur on Sunday through the rest of the day. Residual smoke may also linger in the area overnight Sunday.

Residents are advised to take the following steps:

  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering homes
  • Keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns
  • Retract pool covers to prevent ember damage
  • Remove washing from clotheslines
  • Ensure pets have a protected area
  • Vehicles must slow down, keep windows up, turn headlights on
  • Sightseers must keep away from burns for their own safety
  • If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities if smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice

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