AllCommunity News

Happy Christmas From Us To You

Well, it’s been a busy year and this is our last edition of the Hills to Hawkesbury Community News for H2H in 2023.

This year our small, dedicated team has produced 26 editions with 32 pages of community content and one bumper 48-page edition.

That’s over 900 pages of community content in print in addition to FREE community news online. Our website traffic now reaches over 73,000 local residents each month and we also have 10,000 followers on Hills to Hawkesbury Facebook page.

I am indebted to my committed team which produces the Hills to Hawkesbury Community News and the dedicated team which delivers our magazine to 120 drop-off zones in the Hills to Hawkesbury area.

We are a very small community team passionate about keeping our community informed, inspired and engaged.

Thank you also to the businesses large and small which support us through advertising to ensure that our community is connected. And, of course, a big thank you to you, the readers for picking us up every fortnight.

My personal highlights in 2024 were becoming a grandmother in October and helping my daughter through the first 6 weeks which involved a trip to the UK where she is living with her husband.

Hopes for 2024, are to remain fit and healthy as I age and to stay happy and positive in life. Also to be appreciative of everything my family, friends and my staff do for me. I hope to continue to support them and our community in the years to come.

Have a great Christmas and New Year, Our first edition for 2024 will be on 12th January.

I asked my team what their 2023 highlights were and their hopes for 2024:

Gisela Horner:
My highlight of 2023 has been a once-in-alifetime trip to the Antarctic.This pristine world is exquisite with majestic snow and ice-covered mountains towering above with amazing icebergs gliding silently past our vessel.

The penguins were very cute and a pod of orcas slipping beneath the ship was pretty awesome. The Iguazu Falls in Argentina/Brazil were breathtakingly beautiful.

Highlight for 2024. The birth of my beautiful 1st grandchild in March.

Tanya Cook:
The highlight of 2023 for me was moving my family into a lovely new house and expanding our family with our new fur babies.

My personal plan for 2024 is to work on my health and fitness, lose weight and enjoy life.

Josh Kerwick
A highlight of 2023 has been starting my career at Hills to Hawkesbury Community News – I’ve learned a lot and been able to do so many cool things in my short time here!

I’m hoping that 2024 brings new opportunities for learning and life… and more great stories to tell, of course.

Ivor Jones
One of the highlights of 2023 for me was the Coronation of Charles III. It was the second coronation that I have witnessed in my life. I have now lived under three different Monarchs.

My wish for 2024 is for more happy memories to share with readers and for a Covid free and long life for all.

Bev Jordan:
2023 was a brilliant year as I became a grandmother for the 3rd time and enjoyed lots of family time with my children and grandchildren.

I work and I volunteer which both bring me great joy. I am looking forward to doing more in 2024 as they both focus on connecting our vibrant community. I am also looking forward to more quality time with family and friends.

I am lucky to work with a great team at the Hills to Hawkesbury and 2024 is shaping up to be a great year for community news.

We thank our very talented creative team, Cris, Shane and Glenda who always come up with high quality design and a professional and beautiful magazine for our readers.

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