
Dural Scouts Start New Year

2022 came to an end for Dural Scout Group with considerable activity. Our Venturers got very sophisticated and held a black-tie progressive dinner.

The Cubs went camping at Bundilla Scout Camp. They put up their own tents and practised campcraft skills including ropework, fire-lighting and cooking. Later they went on a short hike and put their mapping and compass skills to good work. The evening campfire was great fun, particularly the roasted marshmallows. Thank you to the wonderful leaders and parents who made this camp so successful and fun for our Cubs.

Cubs and Joeys had a combined fishing night at Berowra Waters. Lots of fun trying to hook a line, fish etc and then eating/enjoying the left-over packets of biscuits from the weekend camp. Many thanks to Karl and Chris from the Galston-Glenorie Fishing Club, who were so helpful and talked to Cubs and Joeys and showed them a trick or two on fishing.

The year ended with our group family BBQ Christmas party at Galston Oval which is always enjoyable, meeting all the Dural Scouting family. Everyone had a ton of fun and it was nice to be able to share the evening with parents and siblings. A very big thank you to Luke for donating all the BBQ food. He is a great supporter of Dural Scouts.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies now for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo). Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected])

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