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Dry Autumn Fire Danger

With forecasts predicting a dry warm Autumn, the fire season is far from over. It’s not too late to prepare for the fire danger and bushfires can strike anywhere, anytime.

Sim Lord, has lived in his rural home for the past 45 years. After doing his research he bought an Aussie Fire Chief fire pump.

“I want to protect my home and I am willing to fight for it,” said Sim. “I wanted a reliable, good quality fire pump and I purchased a Fire Chief.” Sam has an external 40,000L concrete tank and has hooked up his Fire Chief to the tank outlet. He also has a 30 metre hose to give him a good range around the home.

Dry Autumn Fire Danger

“The pump starts first time and gives plenty of performance. I have had it for a while now and run it each month to make sure it’s ready. The fire season caught me by surprise this year and my house could be under threat anytime.”

For further assistance on selecting and setting up your pump, Aussie produce free of charge a Bushfire Survival Guide. It’s available from all Aussie Gold Distributors or it can be downloaded from the Aussie Pump website.

Find your local dealer online at and STAY SAFE!

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