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Hills Domestic Violence Awareness and Fundraising Evening


After the incredible success of the inaugural Hills domestic violence awareness and fundraising evening in 2023, the event returns to Norwest Rydges on May 16.

The event forms part of the domestic violence prevention month, which aims to raise awareness of the devastating impact domestic and family violence has on individuals, families and the community at large.

In the past two weeks we have seen the alleged domestic violence murders of Molly Ticehurst, Emma Bates and Erica Hay. We have seen the outrage and the numerous rallies that have been held around the country including right here in the Hills.

According to Destroy the Joint, a Facebook page committed to recording the deaths of women as result of violence, 28 women already have lost their lives this year across Australia – almost double the number of deaths since the same period in 2023.

The domestic and family scourge is getting worse not better, and more has to be done to bring the violence to an end.

This year’s speaker at the Hills domestic awareness and fundraising evening is Gwen Cherne, the inaugural Veteran Family Advocate Commissioner. Gwen’s career has taken her all around the world, including the US, Australia, Afghanistan, Africa, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. She also has her own lived experience of military family life, mental health issues and recovery, family and domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

Hills Domestic Violence Awareness And Fundraising Evening

The funds raised from the event will go to support the DV programs run by Hills Community Aid (HCA) and the Hills Transitional Housing Project.

In the past year alone there has been a 28% increase in the number of people asking HCA for help as a result of domestic violence. From the funds raised from last year’s event 74 clients have been helped so far.

One example is Suzie*, a client of HCA who recently escaped with her 6 children from domestic violence. Her ex-partner burnt all their clothes and threatened to burn the children’s Christmas gifts.

He has since been charged with damage and assault and the family have some assurance of safety now that an AVO is in place against him. Through funds raised from the DV Fundraiser HCA assisted Suzie and her children in purchasing new clothes, and essential food items.

Another example of the people the funds raised from last year is Carly*, a single parent with 3 dependents aged 17, 13 & 12 years who had fled the family home because of domestic violence. As a result of funds raised from last year’s event, HCA was able to assist Carly with vouchers to purchase food and essential items for her and the children.

Mici Beer, CEO of HCA is encouraging as many people as possible to attend this year’s event.

“We need your support! Our community needs your support! Every year we are experiencing an increase in the number of people who are experiencing Domestic and Family Violence who need our assistance. Please purchase a ticket and join us at The Hills Domestic Violence Fundraiser on 16 May” she said.

As a result of funds raised from last year’s event the Hills Transitional Housing project now has two houses in operation and is housing women and children who would have otherwise been homeless.

This important event is sponsored by Rydges Norwest and Castle Towers.

For more information about the Hills DV awareness and fundraising evening or to purchase a ticket go to

*Names have been changed to protect their identities.

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