Celebrate International Compost Week in a Gardening Workshop
In celebration of International Compost Week, learn more about the beneficial role of composting and vermicomposting in a workshop at Dural Library on Thursday, 9 May 2024.
Led by the Hills Shire Library Service in partnership with the Hills Shire Council’s Resource Recovery Team, the workshop will introduce participants to creating and using compost and worm castings and maintaining a worm farm or compost bin.
The Hills Library mentioned what to expect during the ‘Nature’s Recyclers—Compost and Worm Farms’ session: “Participants will have the opportunity to interact with a live worm farm on the day and meet one of our native composting creatures.”
The one-hour workshop is only available to Hills Shire residents and will begin at 10:30 AM and end at 11:30 AM. It is free of charge and can be booked online via Eventbrite: Nature’s Recyclers—Compost and Worm Farms.
Dural Library is located at Pellitt Lane in Dural.
International Composting Week, also known as International Compost Awareness Week, is a global initiative to raise awareness and provide education about recycling organic matter and the organic recycling industry.
It is typically held during the first week of May, with this year’s celebration from 5 May to 11 May.
‘Compost… Nature’s Climate Champion!’ is the theme for 2024, fusing the international effort with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Goal 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”
The International Compost Alliance, Compost Foundation, and International Compost Awareness Week Australia are among the organisations participating in the awareness week.