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Cyber Security Boost for Local Businesses

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With over 12,000 small businesses in my electorate of Macquarie alone, it’s no secret to anyone locally that they are the backbone of our economy.

Small businesses have taken a leap with new technologies to help reach new customers, build their teams and streamline administrations task. These digital platforms, however, are increasingly exposing small businesses to cyber-attacks.

That’s why the Government is investing the Australian Cyber Security Strategy, which will help businesses stay safe against cyber threats.

As a former business owner, I understand how hard it is to do the day to day work, and at the same time do all the things you need to keep you, your customers, your staff and your providers safe.

Susantempleman Web Cyber Security Boost For Local BusinessesWe know that small and medium businesses are less likely to have the financial resources, time and expertise to invest in cyber security. So, we’re investing $7.2 million to provide a voluntary, free cyber health-check, so small businesses can understand their strengths, vulnerabilities and what they need to do better protect them from cyber-attacks.

We’re also providing $11 million for the Small Business Cyber Resilience Service. With this assistance, small business owners won’t be left behind when it comes to knowing the risks and likelihoods of cyber-attacks. In the event of a cyber-attack, small business owners will also receive step by step, tailored advice and support for financial and structural recovery.

These services join a suite of programs from the Albanese and NSW Government to assist small businesses. Along with investments in cyber security, the Energy Bill Relief Fund and the Small Business Energy Incentive are helping small businesses tackle external pressures, allowing owners to focus on their long-term success.

And if you’re not running a small business yourself, the holidays are a great opportunity to shop local and support the wonderful businesses in our area! Enjoy the Christmas break and travel safely.

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