CWA Galston
The Country Women’s Association is the largest women’s organisation in Australia. Funds raised support the welfare of women, children and communities.
On Wednesday 15th March Ann Waters, a Friend of Bella Vista Farm brought her CWA group to the Farm. It was a very successful occasion, enjoying the Devonshire teas provided, a guided tour of the Farm and House conducted by Sharon Rawstron and a walk through the garden, which looked wonderful thanks to the Friends’ gardening group. The photo shows Members and Friends enjoying morning tea at Bella Vista Farm.
A Mothers’ Day Stall will be held on Saturday morning 29th April outside Bendigo Bank. A vast range of interesting items will be for sale including cakes, jams, aprons, bags, plants, beanies, and a raffle. All proceeds will be donated to worthy causes.
The Club is always happy to receive yarn and fabrics for charity sewing and knitting. Some Members make delicious jams and pickles for fund-raising and any garden fruit that is surplus to one’s needs would always be gratefully received. Visitors are welcome at our meetings and craft days.
More details from Jann – 0439 222 217 or Patricia – 0412 948 787