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Computer Generation Gap

Computer Pals the Hills began 25 years ago with a group of people mostly from the “Silent Generation” (those born 1924 – 1945) with a smattering of ”Baby Boomers“ (1946 – 1964).

Now, even the youngest of the Boomers are entering their 70s, the SGs are dwindling; the next generation is needed to step up!

Computer Pals the Hills invites Gen X’s who know how to use their phones and tablets for basic operations and the “device literate” who have the knowledge and skills to teach others to come along to our Open Day on 17 September and visit the clubhouse in Castle Hill Showground – Old Caretaker’s Cottage.

Computers for Seniors: Learn New Skills, Stay Connected

New members and people who might be attracted to joining the team of trainers and maintenance crew are always welcome. You don’t need to be a computer expert. The Club’s maintenance crew is able to provide technical advice and support and there are two fully equipped classrooms with approximately 20 computers, projection facilities and screens.

Computer Pal’s provides low-cost tuition for seniors in a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, enabling them to become proficient in the many facets of computing and tablets/smartphone technology. Courses are conducted either in a classroom setting or one-on-one training.

All courses incur a low fee to cover the cost of materials which generally include a course-specific manual, other incidental items and a small contribution to overhead costs. Also provided is follow up support to help members develop their skills through additional tutorials, courses and workshops.

Informal discussion groups provide opportunities for exchange of ideas and socialising. The Club also runs a HELP DESK where members can seek solutions to their computer and technology issues.

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