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Community Connect

The very successful Hills Community Connect event is returning to Castle Hill for a second year with a mission to connect residents with community groups and charities by showcasing what they do and how people can get involved.

Organised by Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club, the free Community Connect event is being held at the Harvey Lowe Pavilion at Castle Hill Showground on Sunday, April 30th from 11am to 3pm. Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club President Azita Abdollahian said: “Community is such an important part of our society and it’s what makes the Hills a special place to live and work.

“The power of this event lies within connecting all these community organisations with residents seeking to get involved. If you are looking at doing something meaningful you may find what you are looking for at Community Connect.”

Rotarian and co-organiser Krissie Webb said the first Community Connect was held to combat the isolation many people felt during 2020 and 2021 and the response was so strong it was decided to make it an annual event.

“Many people have found they have free time for various reasons, either newly retired, recently graduated, new to the area or they are now on their own, and they would like to join something but don’t know what is available. “

Last year 40 community groups got involved and hundreds of people visited resulting in many charities finding new volunteers and interest groups finding new members.

Community Connect Community Connect
Rotarians ron parnell, deb sakeld and azita abdollahian are urging people to connect

Rotarian Ron Parnell who runs the Older Men’s Network is urging residents to come along and see what community groups are there: ”By getting out and mixing in the community you get to know yourself better, feel better, and feel a connection. A lot of people feel isolated. This is a way people can make connections. Having a commitment to go somewhere is essential for me.”

Rotarian and co-organiser Deb Salkeld said: “We have a very diverse range groups attending. Whatever your interests, I am confident we will have a group here you will want to engage with.”

Visitors are welcome to pop in at any time between 11am and 3pm on Sunday, April 30th at the Harvey Lowe Pavilion Castle Hill Showground.

Thanks to a Community Grant supported by The Hills Shire Council, it is a free event for both groups and attendees.

The market-stall set up will allow attendees to browse and chat to the representatives of each group. There will be a coffee cart on site and a Rotary sausage sizzle.

Community groups wanting a free stall should email [email protected] or call Deborah on 0490 723 163 by Monday April 24th.

Bev Jordan

Bev Jordan studied journalism at Harlow College in the UK.  She achieves a Diploma in Journalism from the National Council for the Training of Journalists. After migrating to Australia at the end of 1984, she took up a Senior Journalist position with Cumberland Newspapers, based on the Parramatta Advertiser. She has since worked on the Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald and was a lecturer in Journalism at Macleay College in Sydney. Bev returned to Cumberland Newspapers (NewsLocal) and worked for 30 years covering all different mastheads, including Mosman Daily, Mount Druitt Standard and finally Hills Shire Times for the last 17 of those years. Bev’s passion has always been local community journalism.  She says “As a journalist, I have always seen it as my job to inform, inspire and involve.  I am a passionate advocate for organisations and people making a difference to the world around them. Connectedness is so important to the health of an individual but also to a community, no matter how small or large.

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