Here at Alive FM we have high standards and promote T.E.A.M. that is Together Everyone Achieves More.
We now have a collaborative community displaying a joint effort of many individuals or groups of people working together to achieve a common goal. Our logo pretty much explains who we are and what we want to achieve.
There are various symbolic elements within the logo. The icon represents a star shaped fire work bursting with colour and liveliness. It’s also representative of community and people coming together (shaped as five individuals celebrating with their hands in the air).
The five colours represent the five key values of Alive90.5 which are Community, Integrity, Respect, Passion and Collaboration. We embrace diversity and provide an environment that is inclusive. Our aim is to educate, inform, entertain and engage our local, cultural and social communities. If you recognise an alignment with your own values you might like to go to our website and sign up as a member and once that happens you would be most welcome to volunteer in your area of expertise.
There are always plenty of opportunities. Alternatively, you might see the value in becoming a Sponsor of the station and supporting all our community endeavours, especially the many outside broadcasts we do. Our new photo board displays the fun events we get involved in and costs involved.
Many people here have been members for 20-30 years so we must be doing something right. For more information email me at [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you.