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A History & Heritage Central Coast Brisbane Waters River Ferry Tour

The Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society would like to extend the invitation to the general public to attend an exciting day on–board the ferry ‘Sorrento’ on Sunday, 25th February 2018 to explore the historic and significant waterways of Brisbane Waters which were once highways.

On-board the ‘Sorrento’ a large A/V screen will display Award Winning specially prepared graphics, historic and onsite photographs, plus videos of working models and animations dispalyed throughout the ferry tour with live commentary. Peter Rae noted historian of the Hawkesbury area will provide the commentary.

This ferry tour will cover areas such Woy Woy, Blackwall, Broken Bay, Umina, Ettalong, Empire bay, Davistown, Saratoga, East Gosford, Gosford West, Point Clare, Tascott & Koolewong highlighting the significance of the settlements in this area.

Points of interest such as the Maitland Shipwreck, the Woy Woy tunnel which is the longest in Australia. Governor Phillip arrived here only weeks after establishing a colony in Sydney. We will learn how important these waterways were during early settlement, whereby there were over 500 registered wooden vessels built and the impact they had on establishing various industries such as trading timber etc.

The ferry departs at Woy Woy Wharf at 9.35am and returns at around 12.30 -12.45pm. Morning tea is included and will be served on board. Bottled water will be available on board for purchase. Lunch can be purchased at a number of venues at Woy Woy or alternatively you can bring your lunch with you.

Cost: Adults $35; Concession $30; Children $20. All welcome. Bookings essential: [email protected] or 0405 321 478 (leave a message) by Tuesday, 20th February 2018.

Come and re-discover the historical and significant Brisbane Waters and the impact this area has had on our heritage and early development.

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