AllCommunity NewsNews
$100 Million For Pitt Town Bypass
Media Release from Robyn Preston MP
“Today, I joined Premier Dom Perrottet, Minister Natalie Ward and Western Sydney MPs to announce a $1 billion investment from the WestInvest fund, to upgrade critical roads across the region. “Robyn Preston said
It’s a big day for Hawkesbury with great news of the $100 million in funds to construct the Pitt Town bypass which has been identified as a crucial project following recent flooding events in the Hawkesbury-Nepean valley.
She think my constant calls, representations and emails to Government Ministers and the Pitt Town community’s advocacy for this infrastructure, has drawn attention to the merit of this project.
With the bypass route locked in and land acquisitions completed, the next step is to award the contract so that construction can commence.
Other projects being funded in today’s announcement include:
* $200 million for safety improvements on Elizabeth Drive at critical sections between Devonshire Road and Western Road, Kemps Creek
* $100 million to enable the upgrade for a 3.4 klms section of Garfield Road East around Edmund Street
* $600 million for road infrastructure upgrades within the 15 eligible WestInvest Local Government Areas
We are backing Western Sydney communities by making roads safer and making sure less time is spent on the road and more time is spent at your destination.