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Tiny Home Expo 2024

Tiny Home Expo 2024

The third annual Tiny Home Expo is coming to the Hawkesbury Showgrounds, Clarenden, from Friday 24th May – Sunday 26th May.

Expo organisers say the event is gathering more and more interest as people seek alternative solutions to a multitude of pressures from rental stress, the housing crisis, aged care alternatives, and options for young people wanting to save rental money.

“While initially the tiny house movement was in the realm of alternative lifestyles, a greener solution and coming from the aspect of having less ’stuff’, in more recent years it has attracted a much wider audience in search of solutions to an array of issues, the most obvious one being the housing crisis,” said expo organiser Phae Barrett.

“The tiny houses are also a hit for hospitality set-ups such as Farm Stay and AirBNB, enticing many acreage owners to utilise space as an income stream”.

Whilst some council areas are making it difficult to live in a tiny house, other councils such as Shell Harbour are mirroring VIC and WA councils who have successfully implemented Tiny House policies”.

It is understood from the Australian Tiny House Association that 11 more NSW councils are looking in to Tiny House policies right now – something that could possibly make a huge impact on those struggling to find housing in the region.

“They’re such a tangible item – something that needs to be seen, touched, felt and stood in – so it is awesome that people can come to an expo and be able to physically view so many different designs and spaces as well as talk to each builder in person,” said Lance, another of the organisers.

“We have micro tiny rooms/offices/backyard pods and large modular style suites that can be used as Granny Flats. And everything in between. Many are on wheels and are either single storey or have upstairs bedrooms. The layouts are quite diverse.”

In addition, the expo features talks and advice on finding land; dealing with councils; how to go totally off-grid with solar, water and toilets; towing; finance, glamping, small space design and general ideas.

“It really does open your mind to many possibilities, and people are often mind-blown by the quality and spacious, modern and luxury feel of these houses,” said Jodie, who attended last year’s expo and has chosen her tiny house builder. “I am super-excited to start living tiny and changing my life.”

The Tiny Home Expo is at Hawkesbury Showgrounds on Friday, 24 March, from 10am-3pm, Saturday and Sunday, 24th- 26th May, from 9am-5pm. The expo has a staggered ticketing system to reduce queuing into display houses, with tickets ranging fro m $20-$35; children are free.

You can also find a comprehensive Q&A section at

Tiny Home Expo 2024
Tiny Home Expo 2024
Tiny Home Expo 2024
Tiny Home Expo 2024
tiny home expo
Tiny Home Expo 2024

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