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Stopping Domestic Abuse

Every four minutes police in NSW respond to a domestic violence related issue. Research has shown that on average people will experience 26 incidents before they make a report.

Hills Police Commander Supt Naomi Moore says there is no simple solution to curbing domestic and family violence _ “we need to work together”.

In the past 12 months officers for The Hills Police Area Command have investigated just under 3,400 domestic related incidents including 355 domestic violence assaults. Last year the figure was 410. Around 70% of those 355 reported assaults have resulted in an offender being arrested and charged.

In one case a 44-year-old man from Bella Vista, with a history of domestic related charges was charged in April with stalk/intimidate and breach of an apprehended violence order after it is alleged he used a third person to send messages to his ex partner to intimidate her and cause her to fear for her safety.

Spt Moore said: “The Hills PAC DV Team did a great job to support the victim and locate, arrest and charge the offender which resulted in him being refused bail until the court hearing in November 2024.

“This male will spend 7 months in custody for these matters showing how serious police and the court system is currently responding to domestic violence in our community,” she said.

Supt Moore was responding to questions put by the Hills to Hawkesbury Community News this week and said the most frequent offences seen in The Hills PAC are assault, harrassment or intimidation, contravene ADVO and malicious damage to property.

Supt Naomi Moore The Hills Police Stopping Domestic Abuse

“Across NSW, not just The Hills, DV assault has increased by 6.7% in the past 2 years and breach ADVO has increased by 6% in the same period,” she said.

“The state average for time a police crew spends at the scene of a DV incident is 43 mins and we are responding to a DV incident every 4 minutes.”

“Police at The Hills will do everything we can to protect victims and break the cycle of violence in family units but we cannot do it alone.

“We need role models in the community to speak up and speak out.

“ If you know your friend or loved one is a victim or an offender of domestic violence don’t be complicit, be a role model and do something to help make a positive change to the situation.”

“Report domestic violence. Whether as a victim, a witness, a family member, a friend or a neighbour. If you hear it, see it, report it to police and provide support, where possible, to the victim.”

She said the EMPOWER YOU APP release by NSW Police provides important support.

“You can use, or encourage a victim to download the EMPOWER YOU APP. This app is designed to allow a victim of domestic violence to record details of an incident.

“There is an ability to catalogue incidents over a period of time which will be important for capturing conduct which may be relevant to coercive control offences.

“There is a diary function where victims can document incidents, capture photos and upload images. The diary entry can be emailed to a trusted friend or Police and be used in court.

“This is especially important with new Coercive Control legislation coming into effect from 1st July. The app also gives victims of domestic violence access to current information about support services and provides a virtual safety network for victims who can establish this via the app.”

If you have concerns about family violence call 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) If you are in danger call 000.

Bev Jordan

Bev Jordan studied journalism at Harlow College in the UK.  She achieves a Diploma in Journalism from the National Council for the Training of Journalists. After migrating to Australia at the end of 1984, she took up a Senior Journalist position with Cumberland Newspapers, based on the Parramatta Advertiser. She has since worked on the Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald and was a lecturer in Journalism at Macleay College in Sydney. Bev returned to Cumberland Newspapers (NewsLocal) and worked for 30 years covering all different mastheads, including Mosman Daily, Mount Druitt Standard and finally Hills Shire Times for the last 17 of those years. Bev’s passion has always been local community journalism.  She says “As a journalist, I have always seen it as my job to inform, inspire and involve.  I am a passionate advocate for organisations and people making a difference to the world around them. Connectedness is so important to the health of an individual but also to a community, no matter how small or large.

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