Graeme Gould ‘Sketching a Portrait Live’ (Pencils)
Art Demonstration Wednesday, 1st May, 2024 - 7.30pm
Graduating from the National Art School with a five-year diploma in Design and Craft in the early sixties, Graeme’s design career encompassed store design in Sydney and London, television set design for the BBC and the ABC, plus graphic and costume design.
From 2000 Graeme took on the challenge of figure and portrait drawing by attending local sketch clubs and joined the Castle Hill Art Society. He returned to the National Art School and now draws and models at many groups. He also helps coordinate Sunday life drawing at the RAS.
Speed and spontaneity are the essence of his drawings, mainly using charcoal, pastels, pastel pencils and often his fingers for smudging. His interests and inspirations include the sweep of the horizon, the perfection of the square, Athenian vase paintings, Aubrey Beardsley, Matisse, Japanese prints, recycling (found object d’art sculptures), equality and art in all its manifestations.
For this demonstration Graeme’s intention is to lead you to your own way of discovering portraiture.
On Saturday 1st June at 2.00pm there is an art demonstration by Bob Gurney: “Secrets of impressionistic painting with water mixable oils”.
Visitors are welcome to join with the Castle Hill Art Society 7.30pm at Castle Glen Community Centre, 157 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill. Enquiries: 9899 3179