AllCommunity News

Harmony at Riverside

Some of the residents at Riverside Gardens spent a delightful Saturday afternoon in their community centre with afternoon tea followed by a concert put on by the Riverland Harmony Chorus.

It was a truly delightful experience and the residents are eagerly looking forward to seeing these lovely talented ladies again soon

Birgit Walter said the group is always looking for new members . If anyone would like to get in touch with them, either to discuss booking them , or to visit a rehearsal to see whether they would enjoy singing with them, they can be contacted at or call 0434 351 612.

The Chorus was formed in November 1992 and chartered in 1996. Membership is drawn from a wide area from the Blue Mountains, Windsor through Penrith to Merrylands and Camden.

They meet every Monday evening and vocal training, simple stretch exercises and breathing techniques are incorporated into their rehearsals. Many lasting friendships have been formed both within the Chorus and with other members throughout Australia and the Chorus aim to have fun whilst improving its vocal techniques.

The Chorus has competed in various Eisteddfods in the area, sung on the Nepean Belle, at the Joan Sutherland Centre, the Evan Theatre, Blacktown Civic Centre, Sydney Town Hall and at the Sydney Entertainment Centre, plus many other local engagements and some further afield.

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