AllCommunity NewsEnvironmentHawkesbury City Council

Richmond Road Gets $385 Million Upgrade

Press Release from Robyn Preston MP

“If you’re like me and are fed up with sitting in traffic queues on Richmond Road, here’s an announcement I think you’ll applaud.”Robyn Preston said.

Today I joined Premier Dominic Perrottet, Treasurer Matt Kean MP, Metropolitan Roads Minister Natalie Ward, Samantha Talakola – Liberal Candidate for Londonderry and Mohit Kumar – Liberal Candidate for Riverstone to announce $385 million to upgrade Road.

It starts at the Richmond Road exit to the M7 which will be an off-ramp bridge merging onto Road.

Around 2.2 kilometres of Road will be upgraded from four lanes to six lanes.

Richmond Road from Elara Boulevard and Heritage Road at Marsden Park will be upgraded from two lanes to four lanes at a cost of $100 million.

She wants our truckies, tradies and families to spend less time sitting in queues and more time at home with their loved ones.

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