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Open Burning Begins from, 1 April 2023.

Autumn and Winter is the perfect time to prepare your pile burns. Remember when you plan to conduct a pile burn must read and comply with all open burning conditions, this includes filling out the online form at least 24 hours prior to any intention to burn.

In order to gain approval to burn in the open, you must satisfy either of the two criteria below:
Land that is 4,000 square metres (one acre) or greater OR
Land is designated as Extreme Risk under the Hawkesbury Bush Fire Risk Management Plan (properties located at Bowen Mountain, Colo Heights, Lower Portland, Tabaraga Ridge – Kurrajong Heights, “The Islands Estate”, Blaxlands Ridge and Yarramundi under the Hawkesbury Risk Management Plan.)

Pile Open Burning Begins From, 1 April 2023.If your property does not satisfy either of the two criteria above, please contact Council on 4560 4444 to discuss.

Burning shall only be conducted between the hours of 8am and 5pm on any day.

Piles must be constructed and burnt in accordance to the NSW RFS Pile Burn Standards

On-the-spot fines of $500 for an individual and $1000 for a corporation may be issued under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act for those that do not comply. In the event of a prosecution, the maximum penalty is $5,500 for an individual and $11,000 for a corporation. Heavy fines may also be issued by the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Follow this link for the full details and online form for Opening Burning in the Hawkesbury:

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