Nathan Gregory Organ

I’m Nathan Organ, and I’m running for the Castle Hill electorate in the upcoming state election. As a neurodivergent father who has been through the family law system and experienced discrimination and difficulties with accessing support, I’m highly motivated to solve problems and create positive change in our community.

My core policies and values include improving access to mental health services, advocating for affordable housing and rent control, promoting education funding and equal opportunities, and fighting for social justice and human rights for all. I’m also committed to improving road safety, reducing traffic congestion, and protecting our environment.

As an independent candidate, I’m not beholden to any political party or special interests. My only interest is in representing the people of Castle Hill and working together to create a better future for all. I believe in open, transparent, and honest communication, and I’m committed to listening to the needs and concerns of our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Residents in the Hills are currently up in arms about Hills Council’s Master Plan to redevelop Fred Caterson Reserve, which is home to many threatened species of animals (some at risk of extinction like the Glossy Black Cockatoo, Powerful Owl and Platypus) and plants. Residents say they were left out of the planning and consultative process. Are you concerned about the Masterplan, if so why, and what do you think should happen regarding the redevelopment of that area and the Reserve?

I think the plan could be better balanced and the reserve be used in a better way than to bulldoze and build football fields for a club that isn’t even from the area. I’d like to see some wildlife surveys done, areas of concern identified, those areas protected and a tourism and ecological approach to using the reserve. Thinking along the lines of ecotourism rather than more sports.

  • What would you say are the biggest issues in your local electorate?
The people are telling me it’s traffic, high rise developments, and transport in general.
Schooling, and in general empowerment is hugely important. I want to help people feel that sense of self agency and power to be a part of their own outcomes and those of the community. A sense of community and connectivity.
  • What are your top priorities for your local electorate?

Mental and physical health, transport and economy.

  • Would you like to add anything else?

This isn’t about me. This is about the people of the Hills and NSW. For too long we’ve been ignored and played for suckers. It’s about time the people were the empowered and encouraged to be part of their own government again.

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